

What is HabitForge?

HabitForge was a group project that I led with a team of 5 for a software engineer course at Brock. The course allowed us to pick a project on our own and develop it over the 4 month duration following all the software engineering principles.

My Role

At HabitForge I was the lead developer and also the scrum master. I was responsible for planning the sprints and delegating tasks to the team. I was also responsible for deciding the tech stack and setting up the environment for everyone to use. With that I also contributed by the following:
  • Designed the entire product using figma and adhering to UX/UI principles. Keeping in mind ease of access and responsiveness as the main focus.
  • Developed the Dashboard that consisted of creating habits, storing habits, tracking habits, editing habits, and deleting habits.
  • Implemented and developed group habits that allowed users to create habits that can be tracked with a group of people.
  • Developed the leaderboards that tracked the progress of all users on the platform and calculated their ranks.


There were many challenges when working with a team of 5. The main challenge was to keep everyone on the same page and make sure everyone was contributing equally. I overcame this challenge by planning weekly meetings where we tracked each others progress and helped each other out when needed. I also delegated work based on what each person was comfortable with and made sure everyone was comfortable with the tech stack we were using.

Check out HabitForge

We have hosted the project with Firebase hosting and you can check it out by visting the link below.